Ctrl key on Microsoft keyboard does not map to Mac's command

The Control key on your PC keyboard maps to your Mac's Control key. The Windows key on your PC keyboard maps to your Mac's Command key.

When using a PC keyboard you would use windows keyC to copy and windows keyV to paste, etc.

You can set universal keyboard shortcuts in System Preferences > Keyboard > Keyboard Shortcuts > Application Shortcuts > All Applications, you can enter menu values (Save, Copy, Paste, etc) and then assign new key combinations to them. In the example below I've set controlC to copy and controlU to paste.


I run into same issue: At work I have to use Windows and at home I use a Mac. I'm sick of having different shortcuts for these basic tasks. Here is my solution for it:

Go to your User folder on your Mac and open the Library directory.

Here you create a "KeyBindings" folder.

Then navigate into that folder: (Your User folder)/Library/KeyBindings/

Create a file "DefaultKeyBinding.dict" with following lines:

"^v" = "paste:";
"^c" = "copy:";
"^x" = "cut:";
"^z" = "undo:";

Save everything and restart your Mac.

Now, you will have CTRL + x/c/v/z working like it is on a Windows machine.

BE AWARE: This will overwrite whatever Apple has configured for these shortcuts. For instance CTRL + v is a standard shortcut for page down, which will not work anymore.