How long do DDoS attacks last? [duplicate]

I realize the answer to this question will vary, which is why I'm asking it. If you've suffered a DDoS attack before - how long did it last?

Just trying to get an idea of how long we'll have to continue to wage this battle (going on a couple weeks now).

The short answer is, "until it stops".

Afaik, there aren't any good statistics on averages, and intensities - most attacks go unreported publicly. As many have already mentioned your best, and probably only, bet is to have a candid discussion with your ISP, and rely on their knowledge and experience.

Typically, depending on the tools available and skills of the administrators, you'll be offered with various tradeoffs between site accessibility to the outside world and effectiveness at filtering the DDoS, which will tend to work well enough.

If this sort of attack happens to you frequently, or goes on for more than a few days, it may be worth investing in a better equipped ISP, or, if you're high enough upstream to be responsible for your own DDoS protection, investing into better security tools and people.

Anywhere from a couple of minutes to a pretty much constant and neverending stream of junk. The mean and median would both be in the "days" range, though often it'll run for a day or two, go away for a few days, then come back again (usually slightly different and more damaging).

Once I had a rather innovative incident in which conduit's toolbar was used to do a ddos on one of my websites. The toolbar designer had thousands of his user constantly ping my website. It went on for more than a month.