What's the best hashing algorithm to use on a stl string when using hash_map?

Solution 1:

I worked with Paul Larson of Microsoft Research on some hashtable implementations. He investigated a number of string hashing functions on a variety of datasets and found that a simple multiply by 101 and add loop worked surprisingly well.

unsigned int
    const char* s,
    unsigned int seed = 0)
    unsigned int hash = seed;
    while (*s)
        hash = hash * 101  +  *s++;
    return hash;

Solution 2:

From some old code of mine:

/* magic numbers from http://www.isthe.com/chongo/tech/comp/fnv/ */
static const size_t InitialFNV = 2166136261U;
static const size_t FNVMultiple = 16777619;

/* Fowler / Noll / Vo (FNV) Hash */
size_t myhash(const string &s)
    size_t hash = InitialFNV;
    for(size_t i = 0; i < s.length(); i++)
        hash = hash ^ (s[i]);       /* xor  the low 8 bits */
        hash = hash * FNVMultiple;  /* multiply by the magic number */
    return hash;

Its fast. Really freaking fast.

Solution 3:

Boost has an boost::hash library which can provides some basic hash functions for most common types.

Solution 4:

That always depends on your data-set.

I for one had surprisingly good results by using the CRC32 of the string. Works very good with a wide range of different input sets.

Lots of good CRC32 implementations are easy to find on the net.

Edit: Almost forgot: This page has a nice hash-function shootout with performance numbers and test-data:

http://smallcode.weblogs.us/ <-- further down the page.