iTunes alternative for Linux?

I recently got an iPhone and would like to know how i could use it to sync with an iTunes like software on Linux.

Any suggestions?

The short answer is you can't legitimately sync iPhones in Linux.

Ubuntu has a wiki page about syncing iPhone/iPod Touch here. If the the iPhone has firmware 3.0 or greater there is no way to sync outside of iTunes. The suggestions on the site are: virtualise Windows or jailbreaking the iPhone (see instructions for firmware V1 and firmware V2). With some hacks you can then sync music on old firmware.

Edit: there has been some progress on iPhone OS 3.0 with usbmuxd (I notice that the wiki linked above has also been updated to reflect this). I'm not certain whether this method require a jailbroken iPhone.

Banshee & SongBird work well as an iTunes replacement for iPods, however iPhones cannot by synced.


I think this is the best music player for Linux. Massive amount of features, but last time I check it was a little bit bloated. Just like iTunes :)

Unlike everything else on this list, Amarok is QT based. Which could be bad or good depending on your perception. However it works fine under Gnome.


Rhythm Box

Default music player for the Gnome desktop. Simple and straightforward.

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Mono based GTK player, very similar to Rhythm Box.

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Quod Libet

Simple, fast music player. In the vein of Foobar for Windows. Not sure if it is actively developed anymore. My second choice after Amarok.

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Up and coming open source music player. I have yet to be impressed so far.

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