What is the equivalent to getLastInsertId() in Cakephp?

If I do getLastInsertId() immediately after a save(), it works, but otherwise it does not. This is demonstrated in my controller:

function designpage() {
    //to create a form Untitled
    $this->Form->saveField('name','Untitled Form');
    echo $this->Form->getLastInsertId(); //here it works

function insertformname() {
    echo $this->Form->getLastInsertId(); //this doesnt echo at all

Please suggest a way to get the functionality I want.

CakePHP has two methods for getting the last inserted id: Model::getLastInsertID() and Model::getInsertID(). Actually these methods are identical so it really doesn't matter which method you use.

echo $this->ModelName->getInsertID();
echo $this->ModelName->getLastInsertID();

This methods can be found in cake/libs/model/model.php on line 2768

Just use:


In Cake, the last insert id is automatically saved in the id property of the model. So if you just inserted a user via the User model, the last insert id could be accessed via $User->id

id - Value of the primary key ID of the record that this model is currently pointing to. Automatically set after database insertions.

Read more about model properties in the CakePHP API Docs: http://api.cakephp.org/2.5/class-AppModel.html

Edit: I just realized that Model::getLastInsertID() is essentially the same thing as Model->id

After looking at your code more closely, it's hard to tell exactly what you're doing with the different functions and where they exist in the grand scheme of things. This may actually be more of a scope issue. Are you trying to access the last insert id in two different requests?

Can you explain the flow of your application and how it relates to your problem?