Largest $n$-vertex polyhedron that fits into a unit sphere

In two dimensions, it is not hard to see that the $n$-vertex polygon of maximum area that fits into a unit circle is the regular $n$-gon whose vertices lie on the circle: For any other vertex configuration, it is always possible to shift a point in a way that increases the area.

In three dimensions, things are much less clear. What is the polyhedron with $n$ vertices of maximum volume that fits into a unit sphere? All vertices of such a polyhedron must lie on the surface of the sphere (if one of them does not, translate it outwards along the vector connecting it to the sphere's midpoint to get a polyhedron of larger volume), but now what? Not even that the polyhedron must be convex for every $n$ is immediately obvious to me.

This is supposed to be a comment but I would like to post a picture.

For any $m \ge 3$, we can put $m+2$ vertices on the unit sphere

$$( 0, 0, \pm 1) \quad\text{ and }\quad \left( \cos\frac{2\pi k}{m}, \sin\frac{2\pi k}{m}, 0 \right) \quad\text{ for }\quad 0 \le k < m$$

Their convex hull will be a $m$-gonal bipyramid which appear below.

Up to my knowledge, the largest $n$-vertex polyhedron inside a sphere is known only up to $n = 8$.

  • $n = 4$, a tetrahedron.
  • $n = 5$, a triangular bipyramid.
  • $n = 6$, a octahedron = a square bipyramid
  • $n = 7$, a pentagonal bipyramid.
  • $n = 8$, it is neither the cube ( volume: $\frac{8}{3\sqrt{3}} \approx 1.53960$ ) nor the hexagonal bipyramid ( volume: $\sqrt{3} \approx 1.73205$ ). Instead, it has volume $\sqrt{\frac{475+29\sqrt{145}}{250}} \approx 1.815716104224$.
    Let $\phi = \cos^{-1}\sqrt{\frac{15+\sqrt{145}}{40}}$, one possible set of vertices are given below: $$ ( \pm \sin3\phi, 0, +\cos3\phi ),\;\; ( \pm\sin\phi, 0,+\cos\phi ),\\ (0, \pm\sin3\phi, -\cos3\phi),\;\; ( 0, \pm\sin\phi, -\cos\phi). $$ For this set of vertices, the polyhedron is the convex hull of two polylines. One in $xz$-plane and the other in $yz$-plane. Following is a figure of this polyhedron, the red/green/blue arrows are the $x/y/z$-axes respectively.

$\hspace0.75in$ Max volume polyhedron with 8 vertices (Berman Hanes version)

For $n \le 8$, above configurations are known to be optimal. A proof can be found in the paper

Joel D. Berman, Kit Hanes, Volumes of polyhedra inscribed in the unit sphere in $E^3$
Mathematische Annalen 1970, Volume 188, Issue 1, pp 78-84

An online copy of the paper is viewable at here (you need to scroll to image 84/page 78 at first visit).

For $n \le 130$, a good source of close to optimal configurations can be found under N.J.A. Sloane's web page on Maximal Volume Spherical Codes. It contains the best known configuration at least up to year 1994. For example, you can find an alternate set of coordinates for the $n = 8$ case from the maxvol3.8 files under the link to library of 3-d arrangements there.