Hyper-V same host VM to VM communication

I am trying to get a concrete confirmation with supporting documentation on how vms communicate to each other if residing on the same host. From what I have read on multiple threads:

'VM's will not use the physical NIC if the two VMs are on the same vSwitch.'

Here is my scenario: 2 node cluster




NETWORK: Physical NIC <-> NIC Team <-> (External) vSwitch <-> VM

So that I'm know I'm 100% correct.

ANY/ALL traffic, with an origin/destination, from/for, a VM residing on the same host server, using the same vSwitch, will traverse via that said vSwitch.


VMa <-> (External) vSwitch <-> VMb


VMa <-> (External) vSwitch <-> NIC Team <-> Physical NIC <-> NIC Team <-> (External) vSwitch <-> VMb

If I could get some supporting documentation for this that would be most helpful. I have had no luck finding it myself.

Solution 1:

I'm new to Hyper-V but shouldn't inter-VM communication be done through a Private or Internal Switch?

"Hyper-V’s Private Switch The private switch allows communications among the virtual machines on its host and nothing else. Even the management operating system is not allowed to participate. This switch is purely logical and does not use any physical adapter in any way. “Private” in this sense is not related to private IP addressing. You can mentally think of this as a switch that has no ability to uplink to other switches.

Hyper-V’s Internal Switch The internal switch is similar to the private switch with one exception: the management operating system can have a virtual adapter on this type of switch. This allows the management operating system to directly communicate with any virtual machines that also have virtual adapters on the same internal switch. Like the private switch, the internal switch does not have any relation to a physical adapter and therefore also cannot uplink to any another switch.

Hyper-V’s External Switch The external switch type must be connected to a physical adapter. It allows communications between the physical network and the management operating system and the virtual adapters on virtual machines. Do not confuse this switch type with public IP addressing schemes or let its name suggest that it needs to be connected to an Internet-facing system. You can use the same private IP address range for the adapters on an external virtual switch that you’re using on the physical network it’s attached to. External in this usage means that it can connect to systems that are external to the Hyper-V host."
