Is "you've coming from" a colloquialism?

Solution 1:

Aha. I've just listened to five different performances on YouTube (that's dedication) and I'm sure it's "Never forget where you've come 'ere from" at the beginning of the song, and in later choruses, it's "Never forget where you're comin' from"

Have a listen for yourself:

Solution 2:

I believe that is a transcription (or perhaps a listening) error.
The lyrics sites that I checked couldn't decide whether "Never forget where you're coming from" or "Never forget where you've come here from" was the correct lyric.

"Never forget where you've come in from" would also be a grammatically proper phrase that could all-too-easily be misheard.

Edit: having re-listened to it, I'm pretty sure of the "Never forget where you've come in from" interpretation.