SyncToy like application

Any Synctoy like software that supports scheduling and multiple folders selection? I need to synchronize One folder which consists of subfolders from multiple locations. Also changes should be 2 way, meaning file deleted from one location should be deleted in other and should not follow source and destination analogy of rsync.

Pratik is not 100 % correct; Unison does have a nice GUI: Unison GUI

It can be helpful in getting you started.

However, it is also possible to run from the command line, which makes it easy to put in a cron job, so that you can schedule it to run every 15 minutes or whatever you want. You'll typically create a profile with a certain name, you can do this in the GUI, but then you can run that profile from the commandline like

unison -batch name_of_your_profile

This is useful since you can then make a cronjob out of it. Type crontab -e, then paste in the line

*/15 * * * *      /usr/bin/unison -batch name_of_your_profile   &> /tmp/unison-cron.log

and exit the editor. Your unison command will now run every 15 minutes, and output any errors to the file /tmp/unison-cron.log.

Actually, it seems like there's even a GUI for cron, Gnome Schedule(friendly intro to it here). Never tried it, but I guess it makes running Unison from cron even more user-friendly …

See also the Ubuntu wiki page on Unison.

Unison is quite powerful, I've used it for a long time to sync stuff between two laptops, a desktop and a remote server … It's quite good at ensuring you get the newest and correct content, and if there's a conflict it's easy to merge. It's not a backup tool, though; if you delete everything on one end, you'll find it deleted on the other end too ;-)

Lots of options... Many use rsync, as described here:

I like the graphical version Grsync as described here:

Make sure to read the comments regarding scheduling...

Have you tried unison and cron together? unison does the two way syncing. cron does the scheduling. These are command line tools, not GUI applications.