split character data into numbers and letters

I have a vector of character data. Most of the elements in the vector consist of one or more letters followed by one or more numbers. I wish to split each element in the vector into the character portion and the number portion. I found a similar question on Stackoverflow.com here:

split a character from a number with multiple digits

However, the answer given above does not seem to work completely in my case or I am doing something wrong. An example vector is below:

my.data <- c("aaa", "b11", "b21", "b101", "b111", "ccc1", "ddd1", "ccc20", "ddd13")

# I can obtain the number portion using:
gsub("[^[:digit:]]", "", my.data)

# However, I cannot obtaining the character portion using:
gsub("[:digit:]", "", my.data)

How can I obtain the character portion? I am using R version 2.14.1 on a Windows 7 64-bit machine.

Solution 1:

For your regex you have to use:


The [:digit:] character class only makes sense inside a set of [].

Solution 2:

Since none of the previous answers use tidyr::separate here it goes:


df <- data.frame(mycol = c("APPLE348744", "BANANA77845", "OATS2647892", "EGG98586456"))

df %>%
           into = c("text", "num"), 
           sep = "(?<=[A-Za-z])(?=[0-9])"

Solution 3:

With stringr, if you like (and slightly different from the answer to the other question):

# load library
# load data
my.data <- c("aaa", "b11", "b21", "b101", "b111", "ccc1", "ddd1", "ccc20", "ddd13")
# extract numbers only
my.data.num <- as.numeric(str_extract(my.data, "[0-9]+"))
# check output
[1]  NA  11  21 101 111   1   1  20  13
# extract characters only
my.data.cha <- (str_extract(my.data, "[aA-zZ]+"))
# check output
[1] "aaa" "b"   "b"   "b"   "b"   "ccc" "ddd" "ccc" "ddd"

Solution 4:

Late answer, but another option is to use strsplit with a regex pattern which uses lookarounds to find the boundary between numbers and letters:

var <- "ABC123"
strsplit(var, "(?=[A-Za-z])(?<=[0-9])|(?=[0-9])(?<=[A-Za-z])", perl=TRUE)
[1] "ABC" "123"

The above pattern will match (but not consume) when either the previous character is a letter and the following character is a number, or vice-versa. Note that we use strsplit in Perl mode to access lookarounds.


Solution 5:

A slightly more elegant way (without any external packages):

> x = c("aaa", "b11", "b21", "b101", "b111", "ccc1", "ddd1", "ccc20", "ddd13")
> gsub('\\D','', x)       # replaces non-digits with blancs
[1] ""    "11"  "21"  "101" "111" "1"   "1"   "20"  "13" 
> gsub('\\d','', x)       # replaces digits with blanks
[1] "aaa" "b"   "b"   "b"   "b"   "ccc" "ddd" "ccc" "ddd"