How do I monitor redundant power supplies on a Dell server?

I'm purchasing a Dell R610 with redundant power supplies. What is the best way to be alerted in the event that one of the power supplies fails? I'll be running Windows Server 2008 R2. Since this machine will be at a colocation facility, I won't hear the alarm.

Dell OpenManage generates events in the event log when it detects issues with a PSU. You can use any piece of software for notification that is capable of detecting specific events in the event log. You can also configure alert actions to run a program of your choice, which I suppose could be an emailer, etc.

I believe notifications are built in to the IT Assistant componenet of Dell OpenManage, but it's a multicomponent suite and I'm not sure if it's in the baseline piece, as we use Microsoft's System Center Operations Manager for notifications, which is obviously overkill for a single server in a colo facility. IT Assistant would need to be run on a separate system IIRC. Depending on the colo facility, they may have an IT Assistant set up that you can hook into to receive alerts.

ipmitool can probe the power supplies. I do this mainly on linux machines, but ipmitool exists for windows too.

# ipmitool sdr type "Power Supply"
Status           | 64h | ok  | 10.1 | Presence detected
Status           | 65h | ok  | 10.2 | Presence detected
PS Redundancy    | 74h | ok  |  7.1 | Fully Redundant

Just write a script to parse the output and have that output sent to your central monitoring host (or have it email you.)