Ending a process in Unix instead of interrupting it

Ctrl+C sends a SIGINT. By default this terminates the application.

You are confusing this with Ctrl-Z, which suspends an application in bash.

Historically there were three signals bound to keystrokes these were

  • SIGINT (Interrupt) usually Ctrl+C or Del
  • SIGQUIT - Quit - Usually bound to Ctrl+\
  • SIGSUSP Suspend - Usually bound to Ctrl+Z

On some *nix flavours there are other signals also bound, you can check the keyboard bindings using the command

stty -a

On my system, OS/X, this produces the following output

speed 9600 baud; 65 rows; 213 columns;
lflags: icanon isig iexten echo echoe -echok echoke -echonl echoctl
    -echoprt -altwerase -noflsh -tostop -flusho pendin -nokerninfo
iflags: -istrip icrnl -inlcr -igncr ixon -ixoff ixany imaxbel iutf8
    -ignbrk brkint -inpck -ignpar -parmrk
oflags: opost onlcr -oxtabs -onocr -onlret
cflags: cread cs8 -parenb -parodd hupcl -clocal -cstopb -crtscts -dsrflow
    -dtrflow -mdmbuf
cchars: discard = ^O; dsusp = ^Y; eof = ^D; eol = <undef>;
    eol2 = <undef>; erase = ^?; intr = ^C; kill = ^U; lnext = ^V;
    min = 1; quit = ^\; reprint = ^R; start = ^Q; status = ^T;
    stop = ^S; susp = ^Z; time = 0; werase = ^W;

Please note kill in this instance is not a KILL signal it is to do with clearing the current input buffer.

You may have more success with stopping processes using SIGQUIT, but this may not be true as the process may catch the signal and ignore it.

There is no concept of a list of "interrupted" processes as the process has either caught and ignored the interrupt or it has exited. You can get a list of suspended processes by typing jobs

Lots of correct answers, but none that are complete.

  1. As many others have said: Control-C typically sends the unix signal SIGINT and the default behavior (from programs that don't override it) is "terminate process". The program can ignore this signal or take a different action if it desires.
  2. You can also send SIGQUIT from the keyboard with Control-\. The difference here is that by default the process will write a core file, then quit. The program can ignore this signal or take a different action if it desires.
  3. To terminate with extreme prejudice and without allowing the process to stop you use SIGKILL, which is not bound to any key by default. Instead you generally send it using the kill (1) command and specifying the signal to send as in

    $ kill -9 <process ID>

    or mnemonically

    $ kill -KILL <process ID>

    This signal is handled directly by the OS and the program can not override the default behavior.

  4. If your shell supports job control it may also support a built in version of kill which supports job identification using the % character as in catwalk's answer.

  5. To pause a process in a resume-able way you use Control-z which sends SIGTSTP. You resume such a process with either fg to continue in control of the terminal or bg to set it running without keeping control of the terminal (but, by default, still sending its output there).

  1. to see list of background processes: jobs

    to kill: kill %1 (substitute 1 with corresponding job id as in jobs output)

  2. see here