Can I encrypt a whole pool with ZFSoL 0.8.1?

I have compiled ZFS 0.8.1 for my server, and it is running fine. I am also able to create encrypted filesystems like mypool/myencfs.

However, mypool is also a filesystem, and it seems that I cannot enable encyption on it:

zfs set encryption=on mypool
cannot set property for 'mypool': 'encryption' is readonly

The pool is to be decrypted with a keyfile from another encrypted drive, so I would like to put the inheritable properties as high as possible, an also not risk unencypted data when I accidentally copy something to mypool/

While I didn't find anything on that matter directly on the net (everyone seems to create only encypted subfilesystems), I got the idea to find out how to set any properties during pool creation. It is the -O (upper case) option.

This works

zpool create -o ashift=12 -o feature@encryption=enabled \
             -O encryption=on -O keylocation=file:///root/keys/hdd256.key \
             -O keyformat=raw \
             mypool /dev/disk/by-id/mydisk

For completeness, since there still seems to be little on the matter on the net, here is also how I set up systemd to automount the drive:

/etc/systemd/system/[email protected]

Description=Import key for ZFS pool

ExecStart=/sbin/zfs load-key -r %i


systemctl enable zfs-load-key@mypool