"The Cry of Jousts of King Richard II" — a problem with translation

Solution 1:

From earlier in the text:

And the following Monday the said twenty knights, in one livery as aforesaid, will be within the said field of Smithfield, armed and mounted within the lists, before the hour of High Prime, to deliver all manner of Knights who wish to come and Joust, each one of them of six lances, such as they will find within the tourney field, the which lances will be carried according to the standard.

The use of lists refers to:

(lists) historical palisades enclosing an area for a tournament.

An excerpt from Wikipedia's page on hastilude:

More informal jousting events would have several horsemen within the lists at once, where each waited to take up the challenge of another, although the aim remained for the joust to be a one-on-one duel.

My guess is that the two prizes were awarded to the best of those on the field and those off it (or waiting to get in, I suppose) respectively.