Rewrite email (RFC822) From address to match MAIL FROM (RFC821) envelope address postfix

I've spent some time looking into this and I can't find a pure postfix way. The one suggestion of using header_checks doesn't seem to work because you can't (AFAIK) match one header against another.

What is possible is to write your own program / script to perform the check for you and use this as a content_filter.

Step 1

Here's a simplified version of the one I use written in python. This reads an email from the stdin taking MAIL from and RECPT to addresses as arguments. It checks the From: header against the MAIL from and replaces it if they don't match. I save this as /usr/share/mail_filter/

#! /usr/bin/python3

import sys
import subprocess
import email.parser
import email.policy

parser = email.parser.BytesParser(policy=email.policy.default)
message = parser.parse(sys.stdin.buffer)

envelope_from = sys.argv[1]
envelope_to = sys.argv[2]
# This if statement checks envelope from against message from
if message['From'].addresses[0].addr_spec != envelope_from:
    print(f"Replacing sender {message['from']} with {envelope_from}", file=sys.stderr)
    message.replace_header('From', envelope_from)

# sendmail -G -i -f sender@sender_domain.tld recipient@recipient_domain.tld
sendmail = subprocess.Popen(["/usr/sbin/sendmail", "-Gif", envelope_from, envelope_to], stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
with sendmail.stdin:

# If sendmail returns an error, cascade it back to postfix

Step 2

Updated /etc/postfix/

# added the -o content_filter...
smtp inet n       -       y       -       -       smtpd
  -o content_filter=filter:dummy

# Added this entire service
filter    unix  -       n       n       -       10      pipe
  flags=Rq user=filter null_sender=
  argv=/usr/share/mail_filter/ ${sender} ${recipient}

Note this references the script location from step 1 and the user defined in step 3

Step 3

I added an OS user filter in a group with access to use sendmail.

useradd --system --gid postdrop filter


As per the instructions simple filters (passing forward using sendmail) can only be applied to SMTP clients and cannot filter messages sent via sendmail. If this is a problem for you then you would need to write an advanced content filter.