What do curly braces in JavaScript mean?

Solution 1:

In your case it is an object passed to your css function.

myObj={} // a blank object

Here you can use this too

myObj={'float' : 'right'}

Here is another example of object

var myObj={
    'methodOne':function(){ alert('methodOne has been called!')}        
myObj.methodOne();​ // It will alert 'methodOne has been called!'

A fiddle is here.

Solution 2:

The curly braces in the code you've shown define an object literal

Solution 3:

In javascript curly braces are used for several purposes.

I your case these are used to create a key-value pair.

In others cases curly braces are used to combine a set of statements in a block. And sometimes they are used to create objects like var abc = { "a": 1, "b": 2 };