How to install the latest Ubuntu Shell theme under Ubuntu with vanilla GNOME

I've installed the latest 17.10 Ubuntu and then used

sudo apt install gnome-session

to get rid of Ubuntu's modifications, as described here.

Although I prefer to have a vanilla GNOME experience, Ubuntu's new GNOME-Shell theme is very appealing. Unfortunately, I can't find this theme in GNOME Tweaks. The only GNOME-Shell theme that is present there is GNOME's default one.

Does somebody know a convenient way to install Ubuntu's new GNOME-Shell theme?

Solution 1:

You may load the default Ubuntu 17.10 shell theme from your home directory. To do that follow the steps below.

  1. Create a directory, say MyTheme either in ~/.themes or in ~/.local/share/themes. (You may create ~/.themes or ~/.local/share/themes if they don't exist.)
  2. Create another directory inside MyTheme called gnome-shell.
  3. Create an empty document in this gnome-shell directory and name it gnome-shell.css.
  4. Open this gnome-shell.css in a text editor and add the following line

    @import url("/usr/share/gnome-shell/theme/ubuntu.css");  
  5. Install and activate the User themes extension from here.

  6. Install the indispensable (GNOME) Tweaks (if not installed already) by running

    sudo apt install gnome-tweak-tool 
  7. Launch Tweaks, go to Appearance section and click on the drop-down box next to "Shell theme". MyTheme should appear in the drop-down list. Select it.

Solution 2:

If you want to use the new Yaru gnome-shell theme shipped with Ubuntu 18.10, then gnome-shell.css file (refer to this answer) should contain

@import url("/usr/share/gnome-shell/theme/Yaru/gnome-shell.css");