How can I set the Sender's address in Jenkins?

Solution 1:

Jenkins uses the System Admin e-mail address as the sender address for e-mail notification. You can configure this under Manage Jenkins -> Configure System. This is under the Jenkins Location header on that page! It is not immediately obvious that this setting is tied to the e-mail notification settings, since it is not under the E-mail notification header on the configuration page.

Solution 2:

Manage Jenkins -> Configure System -> Jenkins Location -> System Admin e-mail address

You can search the page for "Jenkins Location" to change the default value of address not configured yet to whatever you want.

Solution 3:

There are two places to add the "E-Mail Notificaitons"

  1. Global level
  2. Local level (Jenkins job level)

To set the E-Mail Notification at Global Level, follow below steps - 1) Go to Manage Jenkins 2) Configure System 3) Jenkins Location 4) System Admin e-mail address

enter image description here

To set the E-Mail Notification at local level (per Jenkins job level), follow below steps - 1) Click on the Job name (if existing one) 2) click on the "Configure" 3) Then look for the "Post-build Action" 4) Specify the email address under "E-mail Notification". 5) Save the changes.

enter image description here

Solution 4:

I'm not sure if it is what you meant, but Jenkins enables you to provide a full Sender E-mail Address for notifications. Go to Manage jenkins, then System configuration and find section called E-mail Notification.

You can provide you email address in a form of Jenkins <[email protected]>.

Solution 5:

If you need to do this without using the jenkins UI (for instance in automating a jenkins setup) - you can do so with a groovy script.

import jenkins.model.*

def jenkinsLocationConfiguration = JenkinsLocationConfiguration.get()

jenkinsLocationConfiguration.setAdminAddress("[your admin name] <[your admin email address]>")
// example format -> .setAdminAddress("Jane Doe <>")

Do note: I did not write this script (although I have tested it and it works), all credit to Peter Halliday and his website with other helpful groovy scripts here.