Is there a word to describe an offensive term reclaimed by the offended group [duplicate]

Is there a word to describe the process, or result of the process of, an offended group reclaiming a word for themselves. For example, it is common for gay people to call themselves queers, or sexually liberated women to call themselves sluts, or black people to refer to themselves by various offensive terms.

I seem to remember there is a term for this process. Wikipedia suggests "reappropriation" but I seem to remember there is a more specific term.

Solution 1:

Reappropriation is defintely the best word I've come across for this but there's no term which is commonly used so writing when that 'feminism is a reappropriation', you would probably need to elaborate by stating 'from the pejorative term assigned to women's right acitvists in the 18th century'. - Supports the use of the term in a specific manner.