Is there any difference between "T" and "const T" in template parameter?

Is there any difference between following 2 syntax:

template<int N> struct A;         // (1)


template<const int N> struct A;   // (2)

Any general guideline for when to use each syntax ?

Solution 1:


§14.1 [temp.param] p5

[...] The top-level cv-qualifiers on the template-parameter are ignored when determining its type.

Solution 2:

I found this doing a quick search of the standard:

template<const short cs> class B { };
template<short s> void g(B<s>);
void k2() {
    B<1> b;
    g(b); // OK: cv-qualifiers are ignored on template parameter types

The comment says they are ignored.

I'll recommend not using const in template parameters as it's unnecessary. Note that it's not 'implied' either - they're constant expressions which is different from const.

Solution 3:

The choice of int was probably a bad idea, it makes a difference for pointers though:

class A
    int Counter;

A a;

template <A* a>
struct Coin
    static void DoStuff()
        ++a->Counter; // won't compile if using const A* !!

cout << a.Counter << endl;