Upgrade from Ubuntu 17.04 to 17.10 in VirtualBox 5.1.26 - very slow!

Just upgrade from Ubuntu 17.04 to 17.10 in VirtualBox 5.1.26, very slow. It is unusable. It is running 4G RAM for Ubuntu 17.10. Any idea?

I had the same issue (8GB ram, 4 cpu's). The gnome-shell process constantly uses 10% cpu.

Disabling 3d acceleration did fix it (I didn't have 2D enabled as Virtualbox complains about it). Before you disable 3d acceleration be sure to disable the Virtualbox graphics driver under "Additional Hardware" inside of Unity. If you don't do that gdm3 won't even load.

The Unity desktop is still available and works fine, but one of the reasons to upgrade is to use Gnome. Even logging into unity and doing Additional drivers didn't help gnome.

I disabled 2d acceleration in virtual box. It seems fine now.