Ubuntu 17.10 tons of lags with mouse and window glitch

Unfortunately, I don't think this is a Wayland only issue. After I upgraded from 17.04, I've found lag/sluggish response with gnome-shell under both Wayland and Xorg. It does seem to be a little worse under Wayland.

In my case, after a reboot, all is good for a while, but things slowly degrade and after a few hours, switching between virtual desktops or moving windows gets slower and slower. When the lock screen kicks in, after hitting a key to bring up the password prompt, there is a definite lag i.e. on a couple of occasions 15 seconds before the lockscreen wallpaper is cleared and the password prompt appears.

This is on a high spec machine i.e. 12 core i7 3Ghz with 32 Gb memory. I'm using the default oss graphics drivers (I have a nvidia gforce card, but not using the nvidia driver as it is not compatible with wayland).

I did not have these problems with 17.04 and the gnome ubuntu remix.

I've now installed MATE and seeing if that works better as the gnome-shell gets sluggish enough to be almost unusable unless I reboot every few hours.

Using journalctl to look at the logs, I see a lot of gnome-shell related errors and warnings.

All pretty disappointing. I was also unlucky enough to run into the fwupd bug related to some Logitech keyboards, so had to change my keyboard to even get 17.10 to work!

GNOME has a history of being incredibly laggy. I have experienced the problems you've described on Ubuntu 17.10 and could not find a fix. I would suggest either downgrading GNOME to version 3.24 or simply downgrading Ubuntu to version 17.04.

I found after first mouse click on the login screen, my USB mouse cursor started lagging and behaving somewhat erratically. Trackpad input works normally.. I tried the above suggestions to no avail. On another forum I saw irqpoll kernel parameter as a possible fix. It worked for me - now mouse works fine under default Ubuntu, Unity and Xfce.

Edit /etc/default/grub :

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash irqpoll"

( I normally say noquiet nosplash - I want to see the boot messages! )


  • McBook Pro,5
  • NVidia GeForce 9400M (nvidia 340 driver)
  • USB Mouse

I have gnome extensions installed and system monitor on.

This has caused my lagging. The only fix was to change the Refresh Time in system-monitor to 50.