How to make Screencast on Ubuntu 17.10 record longer than 30s?

Ubuntu Desktop Guide > Tips & tricks says that we can start and stop a screencast by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Shift+R. It works. But it automatically stops at 30s.

Is there a default settings somewhere for that? Or is it a bug?

Before on Ubuntu 17.04 I used gtk-recordmydesktop but now it won't launch. I tried simplescreenrecorder and vokoscreen but for some reason the screen goes black in the result file. The cursor is visible though.

Solution 1:

One can adjust the recording time via gsettings.

Suppose one wants 1 minute of recording time:

$ gsettings set max-screencast-length 60

sets the recording time to 60 seconds.

Solution 2:

Ubuntu 17.10 by default uses Wayland server. Many application which are not yet completely compatible with Wayland may fail to work under a Wayland session.

You may try to switch to an Xorg session to make the applications work again.