Use AdBlock without being detected

Upon visiting a site today I was rewarded with Comic Sans.

Behold it's glory:

enter image description here Source

Needless to say I can finally understand why so many people loathe this font.

However, this does bring up a question.

Will websites ever become smart enough to simply stop displaying content to AdBlock users altogether? If so, then what can be done about it?

I understand that this is probably just some small JS checker embedded in the HTML so AdBlock cannot block the detection of it's own anti-ad antics but I found this "reward" to be quite funny.

Change your ad blocking extension to uBlock Origin (Chrome version / Firefox version). The page appears normally and without ads in uBlock Origin in both Firefox and Chrome.

In settings » Filter Lists, enable all the filters in the Built-in, Ads, Privacy, Malware Domains, and Multipurpose sections.

I've been able to successfully stop detection of AdBlock on various sites by following their instructions to enable content when AdBlock is detected. The instructions basically require you to add the AakList (Anti-AdBlock Killer filter list) to the AdBlock filter lists, and also create a custom filter for the sites that are blocking content because of AdBlock. The filter's format is @@||$elemhide (instructions tested & correct as of the November 2015 version)

EDIT AakList has added simpler instructions to add their list for most modern browsers, follow this link, click on "Subscribe", and that's it (I tested on Firefox)

You can add an adblock detection removal list where you add your other filters.

  1. Go to your ad blocker's settings.
  2. If available just activate an adblock warning removal filter.
  3. If there's no such filter available, go to custom or my filters, and add one of the ad block warning filter URLs. See below.

Ad Block warning filters

  • EasyList Adblock Warning Removal List
  • Anti AdBlockKiller


AdBlock Plus in Chrome

AdBlock Plus in Chrome

Download ghostery extensions/addon depeding on your browser. Then restrict the site from seeing information about you. The site will work after.