Every time my computer starts it fails to connect to Steam... How can I fix this?

Every time I turn my computer on and it gets into Windows, Steam immediately pops up and says it has failed to connect and that I can either retry or start in offline mode.

After this, my network connects and my router issues me an IP address.

What can I do to force Steam to not start until after my computer is connected to the internet (I do not want to start in offline mode)?


System specs:

Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
Intel X-25M 160GB Solid State Drive
Intel Core i7 920 OC @ 3.2Ghz
ATI Radeon 4890HD
12 gigabytes of RAM

With Windows 8 (and presumably Windows 7 too) you can create a Scheduled Task.

  1. Open Task Scheduler
  2. Create a Task (not the basic one)
  3. In the Triggers tab create a new trigger select At Log On, the specified user and add a delay of 1 minute
  4. In the action tab create a new action that launch Steam.exe
  5. Check if other default settings are ok for your environment and save it.

    Delay Task

There are a couple of ways to do this. You could use MSCONFIG to disable the startup entry completely, or you can delay it for a set amount of time (in seconds).

Disabling the startup entry using MSCONFIG
You can access this utility by hitting Start and either typing msconfig and selecting it on the list, or by clicking Run, typing msconfig and pressing OK. What is msconfig? Msconfig is a system configuration utility provided by Windows. Using Msconfig you can disable Steam from launching at startup by clicking the Startup tab and unchecking the box next to the name Steam. Do not touch anything else, and press the okay button when you are done. It is up to you if you want to reboot or not when prompted. There are other ways of doing this, but are not recommended because that involves messing with the registry, and that's not something you want to screw up.

Delaying the program using an third-party program
Using some of the programs listed here, you can delay the time that Steam starts after your computer boots up (in seconds).

Stopping Steam from launching at startup via Steam

You can also disable it using Steam, if you don't like messing around with stuff that you could screw up. Go in steam, and click the Steam tab. Then, click settings and the INTERFACE tab. Uncheck the box that says "Run Steam when my computer starts".

Steam has a built in feature that disables its launch at startup time.


using this means you will have to launch the application yourself, but it will solve your problems without mucking with external programs, msconfig, or the registry.