How to handle optional query parameters in Play framework

Encode your optional parameters as Option[String] (or Option[java.util.Date], but you’ll have to implement your own QueryStringBindable[Date]):

def birthdays(from: Option[String], to: Option[String]) = Action {
  // …

And declare the following route:

GET   /birthday       controllers.Application.birthday(from: Option[String], to: Option[String])

A maybe less clean way of doing this for java users is setting defaults:

GET  /users  controllers.Application.users(max:java.lang.Integer ?= 50, page:java.lang.Integer ?= 0)

And in the controller

public static Result users(Integer max, Integer page) {...}

One more problem, you'll have to repeat the defaults whenever you link to your page in the template

@routes.Application.users(max = 50, page = 0)

In Addition to Julien's answer. If you don't want to include it in the routes file.

You can get this attribute in the controller method using RequestHeader

String from = request().getQueryString("from");
String to = request().getQueryString("to");

This will give you the desired request parameters, plus keep your routes file clean.