Word to describe an attribute one would either love or hate

He has an audacity that those who know him either adore or despise. His audacity is _____ .

There's only two kinds of people: those who love olives and those who hate it. Olives have a _____ flavor.

Solution 1:

I would say:

His audacity is polarising.

Olives are polarising when it comes to favour.

Solution 2:

Technically speaking, Dohn Joe's polarising "ought" to be the right word here - and you might just get away with it in OP's first example, but it seems a somewhat quirky usage to me.

But in practice people would probably use divisive in the first case, and some more roundabout expression for the second. If it weren't for the preceding sentence, I personally would go for...

Olives have a "love it or hate it" flavour. (often written as love-it-or-hate-it).