Is there a 'git sed' or equivalent?

You could use git ls-files in combination with xargs and sed:

git ls-files -z | xargs -0 sed -i -e 's/old-method-name/new-method-name/g'

Thanks to both Noufal and Greg for their posts. I combined their solutions, and found one that uses git grep (more robust than git ls-files for my repo, as it seems to list only the files that have actual src code in them - not submodule folders for example), and also has the old method name and new method name in only one place:

In the [alias] block of my ~/.gitconfig file:

sed = ! git grep -z --full-name -l '.' | xargs -0 sed -i -e

To use:

git sed 's/old-method-name/new-method-name/ig'

You could do a

for i in $(git grep --full-name -l old_method_name)
 perl -p -i -e 's/old_method_name/new_method_name/g' $i

stick that in a file somewhere and then alias it as git sed in your config.

Update: The comment by tchrist below is a much better solution since it prevents perl from spawning repeatedly.