"No symbol table" error after upgrading to 17.04 [duplicate]

Anyone know how to resolve this?

I have a Thinkpad W520 running 17.04 upgraded not fresh install

photo of the error message on black screen]

I have two disks on my laptop /dev/sda (which is original Windows not my Ubuntu) and /dev/sdb which is my mPCIe that has Ubuntu.

Can anyone confirm whether I need to grub-install /dev/sdb to resolve this error?

Please note I can safely boot when I hit enter as it shows GRUB with list of selections to select Ubuntu and boot.

This has been the case without error since Ubuntu 14 or 15 and I've been upgrading all the way, and when I upgraded to 17.04 this started to show.

sudo fdisk -l

This will list all partitions on your HDD (find under Type section the Ubuntu or Linux and its Device (like /dev/sda)) then, do

sudo grub-install /dev/sda

note that is sda and NOT sda1

sudo update-grub
sudo reboot

I also got this error after installing Kubuntu 18.04. For me the solution was to remove an old, invalid boot entry from EFI that was booted by default, but never got updated by update-grub.

Run sudo efibootmgr and look for multiple Linux/Ubuntu entries, then delete outdated ones by following this answer: How do I remove "Ubuntu" in the bios boot menu? (UEFI)