video player that shows milliseconds
Solution 1:
You nearly had it. Media Player Classic (MPC-HC) has this option already build in. Right click on the time stamp at the bottom right and choose High precision
Other Players like VLC, SMPlayer, Mplayer, KMPlayer don't have this option. Despite the fact that KMPlayer has literally a thousand configuration options
But the subtitle workaround works with any player. Here demonstrated for VLC
Solution 2:
Here is the code (in python) to generate the subtitle file for subtitle workaround:
def generateSRTFile(fileName, duration):
Generate SRT (subtitle) file for micro second display in video
fileName: ""
duration: "00:12:54"
NOTE: ignored seconds to make the program more simplified
# get the hours, min, sec from duration
time_split = duration.split(':')
hours = int(time_split[0])
minutes = int(time_split[1])
seconds = 59 # int(time_split[2])
millisecs = [x*10 for x in range(0,100)]
# open a file to write
f = open(name=fileName, mode='w', buffering=1)
# iterate to print to file
blockNo = 1
for h in range(hours+1):
for m in range(minutes+1):
for s in range(seconds+1):
for ms in millisecs:
f.write(subtitle(h, m, s, ms, blockNo))
blockNo += 1
# close the file
return f.close()
def subtitle(h, m, s, ms, bn):
Returns the subtitle block for the given parametes
h: hours, m: minutes, s: seconds, ms: milli seconds, bn: block number
block = ""
block += formatToString(bn) + "\n"
time_line = formatToString(h)+":"+formatToString(m)+":"+formatToString(s)+","
block += time_line+formatToString(ms, 3) + " --> " + time_line + \
formatToString(ms+10 if ms!=990 else 999, 3) + "\n"
block += "time " + time_line + formatToString(ms ,3) + "\n\n"
return block
def formatToString(num, length=2):
Format given number to given length.
i.e num = 5 and length = 2. Result = "05"
# number of digits in num
digits = len(str(num))
# mathematical equivalent for finding digits
#n = num
#digits = 0
#if n==0:
#digits = 1
#while n:
#n = n/10
#digits += 1
# find how much shorter is num than length
if digits >= length:
strNum = str(num)
diff = length-digits
strNum = ""
for i in range(diff):
strNum += "0"
strNum += str(num)
# return
return strNum
if __name__=="__main__":
generateSRTFile(fileName='/home/inblueswithu/Downloads/', duration="00:05:56")