moving to Online Archive (in-place Archive) with powershell

I'm trying to move the content of one folder in Exchange Online to the 'In-Place Archive'. As I have to do this for different folder for different users I was thinking of doing it with Powershell Search-Mailbox but I can´t find the proper path to put in -TargetMailbox

Could you point it out?

As far as I know, it couldn’t simply use “search-mailbox” to move items to in-place archive mailbox, I found a script using EWS API, you could try it:

In addition, I think it is better to use retention policy to move items to in-place archive.

Be careful with 'In-Place Archive'. There is no way to get folders back programmatically.

Docs (

Graph API does not support accessing in-place archive mailboxes, not on Exchange Online nor on Exchange Server.

This means that you have one-way road. You can place messages and folders in 'In-Place Archive', but we cannot find a way to access it those archived folders.

We broke our teeth on this ( this tool).

If anybody has ideas about this, please, don't be a stranger. See also: