Defining constant string in Java?

I have a list of constant strings that I need to display at different times during my Java program.

In C I could define the strings like this at the top of my code:

#define WELCOME_MESSAGE "Hello, welcome to the server"
#define WAIT_MESSAGE "Please wait 5 seconds"
#define EXIT_MESSAGE "Bye!"

I am wondering what is the standard way of doing this kind of thing in Java?

Solution 1:

Typically you'd define this toward the top of a class:

public static final String WELCOME_MESSAGE = "Hello, welcome to the server";

Of course, use the appropriate member visibility (public/private/protected) based on where you use this constant.

Solution 2:

It would look like this:

public static final String WELCOME_MESSAGE = "Hello, welcome to the server";

If the constants are for use just in a single class, you'd want to make them private instead of public.

Solution 3:

public static final String YOUR_STRING_CONSTANT = "";