Why are my file selection dialogs so big? How do I make them smaller?

Solution 1:

I managed to find a solution by figuring out that the dialog modal is always 1440 px wide. So I did grep -r "1440" ~/.config (I also looked in ~/.gnome, ~/.gconf, ~/.gconfd/ but they didn't turn up anything interesting.) I stumbled upon this gem:


Removing that line (and the corresponding GeometryHeight) solved the problem for me.

Solution 2:

The window size in stored in a dconf key. You should install dconf-editor (it's in the software centre). Then, navigate to org.gtk.settings.file-chooser and adjust the window-size key.

Does this solve your problem?

Solution 3:

I solved this by modifying a plugin in compiz-config manager: Windows Manager:Windows Rules:Size Rules:

New-> Size Windows: "type=Dialog", and set the size.

Solution 4:

If I just do ALT-{SPACE BAR} and choose Restore it makes the box smaller. Then, next time it will open whatever size you made it.

Solution 5:

This worked for me: To prevent the settings from resetting you need to add StartupMode=cwd to the ~/.config/gtk-2.0/gtkfilechooser.ini file. Something like below.
