Find path of standard executable for a given file type in Windows
Solution 1:
Sadly the exe locations are usually defined in the registry for example. I have .txt defined as opening with "notepad++".
So to find what the association of the file is, I'd have to go to:
"Open Control Panel > Control Panel Home > Default Programs > Set Associations".
From there it'd show Notepad++ is my default program.
I'd then have to go to the registry for Notepad++ e.g.:
And see the complete file location there something like:
C:\Program Files\Notepad++
Every program you install typically has a registry associated with it, where it can be configured. Most programs details can be found in:
So you'd need to use regedit.exe to these locations, find your program and view the location of the exe
Solution 2:
You can get this information using two command line tools: assoc
and ftype
help assoc
Displays or modifies file extension associationshelp ftype
Displays or modifies file types used in file extension associations
You can combine them to produce information you need:for /f "delims== tokens=2" %a in ('assoc .pdf') do @ftype %a
Running this directly from command line should give you path and parameters of program registered for .pdf