Cisco Packet Tracer 7.1 won't start

I installed Packet Tracer 7.1 using command lines. It installed fine but when I type packettracer it just says

starting packettracer 7.1

but doesn't work. I tried every solution I found on the internet but they didn't work.

I was able to run Cisco Packet Tracer 7.1 on Ubuntu 16.04 by doing the following:

1-Cisco Packet Tracer 7.1 requires an older version of a package not present on Ubuntu 16.04 so you need to get it by typing


2- To install the package you just downloaded type

sudo dpkg -i libicu52_52.1-3ubuntu0.7_amd64.deb

3- Verify proper installation using this commands

sudo updatedb; locate libicui18n

Check for the following packages to be installed:

  • /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

  • /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

Those are the packages needed by Cisco Packet Tracer to work properly.

Now you can type packettracer on terminal and the program should start.

Navigate to the directory where PacketTracer is installed (this is the default):

cd /opt/pt/bin

then run PacketTracer7


Now, if it shows a list of "libqt5xxx" missing libraries, please install them all.

sudo apt install libqt5xxx*

Remember, just write everything that is behind the first "."(dot) and to put the * in the end of the name of the package.

In my case, it was a package named "", so I did this:

sudo apt-get install libqt5script*

After that, running PacketTracer7


should now work.