Android input connection error

I am connecting my android client emulator to server(Servlet). The output stream is working fine. Server is printing the message sent from client. Server is sending response successfully. But the android input connection is passive. Here the error shown in logcat

showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection

What is the problem?

I am sorry showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection is not an error.logcat shows this even if the app is working fine.

Its a strange situation. From class A I am going to class C and from class C i am able to connect to server and get the response back. But If i go to class C from Class B, I am only able to send the request from C to server but I am unable to get response from the server. Server is working all fine.
Class A to C to server(request and response both) works fine when class A does not open any connection with the server itself.
But Class A to C to server(only request) works if the class A itself first opens a connection to the server and based on the response moves to class C.
This is what I was able to find out after lot of trial and error.

Solution 1:

Such problems occur when the input connection in the previous page(or class) has not been closed. Check whether you've closed the input connection in the previous class (by giving connection.close()).