Regular expressions in a Bash case statement

I am using following script, which uses case statement to find the server.

echo $SERVER | egrep "ws-[0-9]+\.host\.com";
case $SERVER in
ws-[0-9]+\.host\.com) echo "Web Server"
db-[0-9]+\.host\.com) echo "DB server"
bk-[0-9]+\.host\.com) echo "Backup server"
*)echo "Unknown server"

But it is not working. Regex is working with egrep but not with case. sample O/P

Unknown server

Any Idea ?

Bash case does not use regular expressions, but shell pattern matching only.

Therefore, instead of regex ws-[0-9]+\.host\.com you should use pattern ws* (or ws-+([0-9]), but that looks a bit advanced and I've never tried that :-)

If you want assert that * really matches digits in ws* and want to use case instead of if, elif, elif... you can use something like that:

case $SERVER in
  ws-[0123456789][0123456789][0123456789] echo "Web Server" ;;
  db-[0123456789][0123456789][0123456789] echo "DB server" ;;
  bk-[0123456789][0123456789][0123456789] echo "Backup server" ;;
  *) echo "Unknown server" ;;

But that does not work for more than 999 servers.

If I had to make a script for this use case, I probably write something like that (because I love regexes and case syntax ;) ):

srv=`expr "$SERVER" : '^\(db\|bk\|ws\)-[0-9]\+\.host\.com$'`
echo -n "$SERVER : "
case $srv in
  ws) echo "Web Server" ;;
  db) echo "DB server" ;;
  bk) echo "Backup server" ;;
  *) echo "Unknown server !!!"

case can only use globs. If you want to do regex matching then you'll need to use a series of if-then-else-elif-fi statements, with [[.

For reference, however this is already mentioned in this answer, from man bash Pattern Matching section provide rules for composite pattern creation as:

Composite patterns may be formed using one or more of the following sub-patterns:

        Matches zero or one occurrence of the given patterns.
        Matches zero or more occurrences of the given patterns.
        Matches one or more occurrences of the given patterns.
        Matches one of the given patterns.
        Matches anything except one of the given patterns.

However using these extended pattern matching require extglob shell option to be enabled.

Here is example of code for current problem:

shopt -s extglob;
case $SERVER in
        ws-+([0-9])\.host\.com) echo "Web Server"
        db-+([0-9])\.host\.com) echo "DB server"
        bk-+([0-9])\.host\.com) echo "Backup server"
        *)echo "Unknown server"
shopt -u extglob;

also, this: shopt | grep extglob can be used to check for its default value.