How to reinstall Cortana?

Solution 1:

NOTE: The packages are only for 64Bit build 10240 with EN-GB MUI, if you have a newer build, this won't work. Use the setting to disable Cortana, instead of removing Cortana!!!!!

If you already removed the files, generate the CABs on your own with the steps I posted here. Replace Flash in the commands with Cortana. Go to the servicing\Packages folder and look for the correct names of the Cortana .mum files like here the x86 MUMs for Build 14393 enter image description here.

Download the following 3 CAB files from my Dropbox:

and store them in C:\Cortana.

Open a command prompt (cmd.exe) as admin and run this command:

Dism /online /Add-Package /PackagePath:C:\Cortana

This adds the cortana packages back to the Windows.

If you get an error message about using the 32 bit version on a 64 bit computer, instead of doing the "Dism" command in CMD, do "C:\Windows\Sysnative\dism.exe