Where to submit man page corrections? [duplicate]

Solution 1:

FWIW, I checked the man page myself, and I cannot find the error you mention! Perhaps it has been corrected? I am using Ubuntu (MATE) 17.04, regularly updated with sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade. Have you tried updating your system?

Anyway, to answer your question in general terms:

man page errors are bugs

As mentioned in the comments, mistakes in man pages are bugs and should be reported to the package maintainers. See the Ubuntu help wiki on bug reporting and How do I report a bug?

How to figure out which package provides a man page

Use whereis to find the man page file (as well as other main files), and dpkg -S to find which package provides the file, for example

$ whereis ls
ls: /bin/ls /usr/share/man/man1/ls.1.gz

The last file mentioned is the man page file - we can see that because it's in /usr/share/man, so we can find the providing package like this:

$ dpkg -S /usr/share/man/man1/ls.1.gz
coreutils: /usr/share/man/man1/ls.1.gz

So the package would be coreutils.

In your case:

$ whereis systemd-resolved
systemd-resolved: /usr/share/man/man8/systemd-resolved.8.gz
$ dpkg -S /usr/share/man/man8/systemd-resolved.8.gz
systemd: /usr/share/man/man8/systemd-resolved.8.gz

So in this case the package to report a bug against is systemd

How to report the problem

First, create a Launchpad account

Since the problem is just a typo in the manpage, there is probably not much point in including all the usual debugging information that is included when you use Apport. Instead you could enter


in the URL field of your browser, replacing PACKAGENAME with the name of the package.

You can then enter a short bug description, for example

typo in man page of `systemd-resolved`

You then get a form where you enter (as if there were still any doubt) which package you want to file a bug against, whether it is a security vulnerability (I'm pretty sure a typo in a man page won't be one...) and the details of the problem.

Don't forget to include which version of the package you are reporting against. You can check this with apt policy <packagename>

$ apt policy systemd
  Installed: 232-21ubuntu5

Try to describe the problem as clearly as possible, imagining that you have to fix it yourself with no pre-existing idea of what's wrong. For example, you could give the subheading of the section where the error appears, copy and paste the text of the section with the mistake, explain why it is wrong and what it should say instead.