NGINX: Ignoring Certain URL Parameters for Cache Purposes

Solution 1:

I haven't tested an approach like this, but I think it could work:

map $args $cacheargs {
    ~^(.*)a=.+&(.*)$ $1$2;

map $cacheargs $cacheargs1 {
    ~^(.*)b=.+&(.*)$ $1$2;

uwsgi_cache_key $scheme$host$request_method$uri$cacheargs1;

First map removes a=.+ from $args and records it to $cacheargs.

Second map removes b=.+ from $cacheargsand records it to$cacheargs1`.

Then $cacheargs1 is used as part of the cache key.

Original answer below.

You can use:

uwsgi_cache_key $scheme$host$request_method$uri$arg_a$arg_b;

This means that the cache key is built using normalized URI (without query arguments), and query arguments a and b.