I have installed redshift using apt-get.

I started it up in a terminal window, and then accidentally killed the terminal. Redshift did not stop running itself. My screen is most certainly still under the influence of redshift.

I open Linux Mint system monitor, and I could not find anything that I thought was redshift. Certainly not anything named redshift.

So how do I go about killing redshift?

Solution 1:

Just Type

redshift -x 

it get your Screen Color to Normal

I am Also Searching for this

Solution 2:

I found the clue in this answer.

Seems that redshift is not running anymore since you killed the terminal BUT the last screen settings keep being there constantly.

So you have to reset your screen manually. I'm citing:

You have two options:

Try to set the colour temperature of your screen back, manually, to 6500 (via the button menu that most screens have)


Reinstall Redshift; don't run the interface, but set the temperature from command line:

redshift -O 6500 

Then uninstall redshift again.

Either one of these options should work.

So in your case if you want to keep redshift anyway you don't have to reinstall and uninstall it. Just use the command

redshift -O 6500

to reset the display color.

Solution 3:

use redshift -h to see all the available flag but there is no such flag to stop or kill it. The way I have killed the process is below

pidof redshift
kill -9 id_from_previous_command

id_from_previous_command will be the id of the process
-9 is for killing the process immediately