How do I copy the whole history of the clipboard to a text file?

You can see some strings in clipit history file with this command:

strings ~/.local/share/clipit/history

But it's not the best way. The output may be garbled.

there is python script for ClipIt run it like this python > clipit.history.txt

#!/usr/bin/env python
""" utility to print clipit history file.
If an argument is passed on the command line, it will
be used as a separator, otherwise history items are
separated by a blank line. """

import struct, os, sys

homedir  = os.environ['HOME']
histfile = homedir + '/.local/share/clipit/history'
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    sep = sys.argv[1]
    sep = '---------------------------------------------------------------------'

with open(histfile,'rb') as f:
    size,_ = struct.unpack('2i',
    while (size > 0):
        item =
        print item
        _,_,_,size,_ = struct.unpack('5i',
        if size > 0: 
            print sep

The latest version of Parcellite has a Save As menu item when clicking the icon. This will save all the history entries to a file. There is also a paste all when right-clicking the history list, which will place the entire history list on the clipboard. The preferences have a Paste All delimiter that it will put at the end of each entry. ppa here: