Solution 1:

Try removing the .metadata folder from your workspace. This holds all your configurations, even after a new install. I think if you just delete this folder, assuming everything is in place, you should be up and running again.

Solution 2:

The 21.0.1 version of the Eclipse ADT tools has a bug that prevents a project building if you have any files without extensions in them. This is a particular problem for users (like me) using subversion which has extenion-less files.

The solution is to install the 21.1 preview version of the ADT tools and SDK manager from Google. Clear instructions can be found here and you can read all the background add your voice to the angry mob of developers here.

Solution 3:

This happened to me today with ADT v21.0.1-543035 and it turned out to be the .svn directories throughout the directory structure. See

Worked around the issue by upgrading svn client and working copy to 1.7.

Solution 4:

For me, the source of the NullPointerException problem was a host-side Junit test project that references (and tests) code from an Android project. It didn't have a file. It's not an Android project, but for some reason the newer version of the SDK somehow expects the file there. To fix the problem, I just copied a file from an Android project to the host unit test project.

Solution 5:

I had something similar. The problem was created by having some files without extension inside the /src folder.