Microsoft Excel 2016 Mac: Smooth cell transition

Solution 1:

From this post (“Allow users to turn off cursor “glide” animation (cell selection animation)”) on Microsoft's “Suggestion box” site:

Good morning (5 April, 2016),

I’m happy to be able to update that we’ve released an update for this issue in Mac Excel 15.21, which has rolled out to Office Insiders today and pending any blocking issues we find there should start rolling out to everyone in a week or so.

In order to turn off this animation once you have the updated build, you’ll want to go to Excel > Preferences > Edit and uncheck the “Provide feedback with animation” checkbox.

Hope that helps,
Dan [MS]

So the new method is via: “Excel” → “Preferences” → “Edit” and uncheck the “Provide feedback with animation” checkbox.