ubuntu-budgie-desktop is a meta package.

A desktop meta package is a master package that installs all related packages for a particular desktop environment.

In this case - all the packages related to Ubuntu Budgie.

So in addition to ubuntu-budgie-desktop you must also purge budgie-desktop. This is the graphical environment itself and it will also remove the login session for budgie.

sudo apt purge ubuntu-budgie-desktop budgie-desktop

There are a few recommended packages also that are installed with ubuntu-budgie-desktop that will not be removed with the above command - but you can deal with those separately if you so wish.

  • Uninstall packages:
    sudo apt remove budgie-desktop-environment budgie-desktop && sudo apt autoremove
  • Remove PPA from 'System Settings' -> 'Software & Updates' -> 'Other Software'
  • Revert to default login screen:
    sudo apt remove lightdm-gtk-greeter && sudo apt autoremove
  • Restore default splash screen (choose 'ubuntu-logo'):
    sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth
  • Finalize plymouth with:
    sudo update-initramfs -u