PHP FastCgi running as IUSR instead of IIS APPPOOL/xxx

An IIS website is run via an Application Pool which has its Identity advanced property set to ApplicationPoolIdentity. The website runs PHP scripts via a FastCGI handler. These scripts try to write to a file but the access is denied even the application pool user has enough permission. I have run ProcMon and it shows that the scripts are trying to open the files using IUSR instead of the application pool user.

  • Website
    • Basic Settings - Application Pool =
    • Basic Settings - Connect As = Application user (pass-through authentication)
  • Application Pool
    • Advanced Settings - Process Model - Identity - ApplicationPoolIdentity
  • Script tries to write to a file
    • C:\ABC\test.txt
  • The directory C:\ABC has permission
    • IIS APPPOOL\ - Full control, Type Allow, Applies to This folder, subfolders and files

When I open the scripts url, I get PHP Warning: fopen(C:\ABC\test.txt): failed to open stream: Permission denied

When I run Sysinternal's ProcMon I see:

  • Event
    • Operation CreateFile
    • Result Access Denied
    • Path C:\ABC
    • Desired Access: Read Data/List Directory, Syncchronize
    • ShareMode: Read, Write, Delete
    • Impersonating: NT AUTHORITY\IUSR
  • Process
    • Path …\php-cgi.exe
    • User: IIS APPPOOL\

How to fix it so the file is accessed using the user?

Solution 1:

Finally found it. There is one more place that it needs to be set it up.

Site -> Authentication -> Anonymous Authentication -> Edit to "Application Pool Identity"

Source: PHP on IIS 7.5/W2K8 using IUSR Account not IIS_APPPOOL\DefaultAppPool