Is there a word meaning unexpected pleasure? [duplicate]

Solution 1:

To some extent, breathtaking may serve. This adjective has senses “stunningly beautiful; amazing” and “Very surprising or shocking; to such a degree as to cause astonishment”, which taken together might mean surprising and pleasing.

Also consider the noun felicity, with senses “Happiness” and “Something that is either a source of happiness or particularly apt” while the adjectival form felicitous has senses “happening at the right time; appropriate, opportune, apt” and “working out well; fortunate, opportune”, which taken all together similarly suggests surprising and pleasing.

Solution 2:

Here are some single word synonyms for an unexpected pleasure. To help with choosing the best word for a particular use, I have also given the relevant definition. For definitions from various dictionaries of these and other senses of these words, see

bonanza, a situation leading to sudden luck, gain, or success
bonus, a gain over and above what is customary or expected
fortuity, a chance occurrence, especially a lucky one
godsend, something very helpful, especially one unearned or not to your credit
windfall, an unexpected financial gain

Solution 3:

I know this doesn't sound exactly like unexpected pleasure, but I thought thrill could be a close contender.