How to send email from the command line with specified sender on Debian Wheezy with Exim4?

I have search for ages trying to find out how to do this:

How can I send email from the command line and specify the sender address on a box with Debian 7.8 and Exim4?

This does not work:

mail -s "Subject of the Email" [email protected] -- -f [email protected] 

Neither does this:

mail -s "Subject of the Email" -r [email protected] [email protected]

Solution 1:

I alwais use mailx for sending mail from the command line for example from crontab, procmail and so on.

Mailx comes with package bsd-mailx.

echo "This is the mail body" | \
mailx -s "This is the subject" [email protected] [email protected]