I can speak of Eclipse, you can customize it.

Click on Window -> Preferences, and search for General -> Editors -> Structured Text Editors -> Task tags, or for Java -> Compiler -> Task tags (there might be some additional ones like for JavaScript, PHP, StatET, etc.)


I use some additional ones like:


I personally like to use the DISCUSS/REVIEW tags just to make sure I speak about some issue with someone during a code review or pair programming (e.g., I haven't misunderstood the specification how something should work etc.).

You can also set the priorities assigned to the different task tags there too.

These are known as task tags. In Eclipse they are TODO, FIXME, and XXX.

However, Eclipse allows you to modify the available list of task tags. Go to preferences > Java > Compiler > Task Tags

Here you can modify the available list of task tags, change their priority, and decide if task tags should be case sensitive or not.

To add custom TODO tags in IntelliJ go to:

Preferences > Editor > TODO

Patterns like TODO, FIXME are default in NetBeans as ToDo keywords. You can also add any keyword you want in Tools > Options > Miscellaneous > Tasks.

for enabling/disabling code formatter use: // @formatter:on // @formatter:off