I have an app that won't open/sync & I can't delete it

Having trouble with updating my Instagram app.

When it was time for the update, I clicked "update app" of course, but it said the app couldn't be updated. Now I can't access it. Since then, it just says "Waiting…" and I can't do anything with it.

  • I tried to delete it but the × doesn't appear in the top corner to allow me to delete it.
  • When I click the app to see if it'll load, nothing happens.
  • I even hooked it up to iTunes to see if I could delete it there but the × still doesn't show.
  • I went to my settings to manage my storage and I clicked "delete app" which removed it from the list, yet it's still on my iPod.

I don't get it. I really don't want to have to restore my iPod just to fix a problem with one app. I can update, download and delete other apps just fine.

Make sure you are connected to WiFi, then restart your device.

If you're desperate to just use the App, you can still access it by double-tapping the home button and entering the App via the multi-tasking menu.

That recently happened to me but the way I fixed it. I went on Settings> General> Usage>
[The app you want] then delete app. Then go onto the home screen and the app should be just a blank white icon with lines going across it. Hold onto it and you should be able to delete it by tapping onto the 'x' button. There you have it! You could reinstall it to use it again. Hope that helped